asset ArdorBG (14181059775676150956)
Back in 2015, I got acquainted with the NXT project, which sharply changed my views on Bitcoin mining. Since then I have been in the NXT and Ardor community (since its launch in 2018). For a long time I stood idly by and just watched. But about two years ago I decided it was time to step up and help develop Ardor. I created a blog in Bulgarian with the aim of creating a Bulgarian Ardor community, but a year later I have almost zero success. Unfortunately, over the years, crypto projects without much technology have developed quite successfully, and Ardor has lagged behind. "We need an investment fund in Ardor! That's how we'll attract new investment!"."Yes, the idea might be good, but how do I create it and where do I get that much money? If I create an asset to raise money and then invest it would be wonderful, but who would trust me?". Ideas came to me one after the other, but I rejected each one over time. One fine day sitting at the computer calcu...