asset ArdorBG - Blah Blah (Liquidity pool)
In the time since I issued an ArdorBG asset, I have always tried not to do unnecessary "blah blah". I want investors to look at real results, not empty promises in the future. Yes, it's impossible to look at past results when you're such a young asset, but I was able to gain a lot of trust from my original investors (without giving them almost any information). I sincerely thank them for their trust, they are always a priority for me! Setting up grid trading doesn't seem complicated at all, but historically in convection markets especially pairs like USD/EUR have caused huge busts and losses. In the time since 2017, I managed to calculate an equation in which I found a way to stay in the crypto market. This equation was modified and in the initial months it created a losses for me too, because theory and practice are two different things. Of course I'll stop with the blah blah because I can't say anything more about this equation. The next