Monthly report for December 2024

    In the month of December, revenue of ArdorBG was worth 204,200 Ignis (203,900 Ignis from grid trading and 300 Ignis from investment). In December we paid six dividends totaling 80,000 Ignis.
    We had no expenses last month.
    We ended 2024 with a great monthly report. Record revenue, record asset volume ArdorBG. We created a GTB through which investors stak their Ignis without taking risk from the ArdorBG trend.
    What to expect in 2025?
    Influenced by the drop in the price of Ignis, we decided to freeze the "Investment Pool" and not invest in new and current projects in Ardor platforms, as you know we own dividend cards of MythicalBeings, they will be preserved. The goal is not to put Ignis back into circulation.
    Regarding the "ArdorBG Forging Pool"? It will be preserved, but will not be promoted. Over the past year we have tried to promote it, but we have received almost no use, it has taken our energy away from focusing on what we understand most, namely grid trading.
    АrdorBG "Referral Program" is very engaging, so we are discontinuing it.
    "GTB - Grid Trading Bonds" is what we are betting on to attract new investments. The variable price of Ignis, and then the variable price of ArdorBG relative to Ignis, repelled those interested in our activity. We are in an overly complicated situation, first of all, they cannot buy Ignis, and then they have to use a complicated wallet to buy ArdorBG. GTB is still in a testing period, but when we make sure that the theory works in practice, we will popularize it.
    Our main goal is to continue improving the grid trading strategy and increase revenue in the current year 2025.


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