asset ArdorBG : Monthly report for January 2024

     The monthly report for January shows that the income from the grids is worth 11800 Ignis. Ardr/Ignis pair hasn't much volatility in the past month, which has led to the decline in earnings. We are currently considering an option to increase Ardor quantities in orders to increase revenue and catch up with capitalization. There are different approaches to this, one is to do a second round of fundraising, which I don't condone. That's why we created a liquid pool of ArdorBG asset, about which I cannot give much information. What I can say about this pool is that it is a separate project running on Ardor, which aims to gradually invest in ArdorBG, not allowing for high volatility of the asset.
    I expect a dividend payment as early as this month, we only need 3300 Ignis total earnings or just over 1000 Ignis in the dividend pool. I will keep you posted on the dividend payment. 
    Remember that ArdorBG is completely transparent and you can follow every single move. We currently use 3 addresses ARDOR-YHJE-V87J-ZAHF-G7S8S from which we create the grids. ARDOR-CKHE-SEFY-PD9D-HCJJL investment fund and ARDOR-NAKY-6F28-HCDW-2B6UZ, which through the monetary system combines three transactions, namely 10% for management, 10% for investment fund and 40% for dividend.
    Thanks to all investors!


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