Monthly report for "December"

    For the month of December, the income from the grids was worth 20,700 Ignis. We paid two dividends, one worth 10,000 Ignis and the other 8,000 ArdorBG, which equates to a value of over 500,000 Ignis. Currently, about 40% (4,000 Ignis) of the dividend payout target has been collected.

    Through the Ardor monetary system, I merged three transactions into one:
    10% for management
    10% for investment pool
    40% for dividend
    Asset ArdorBG is the most traded asset in Ardor DEX.

I don't pay enough attention to a shiny site and many other things that go towards marketing, but I work hard and the statistics show it. 

I believe that this year the statistics will be many times better.
    Thank you for your trust and support, only together we will make Ardor something better!


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